Tags→ #SvelteJS
Migrating My Blog to Astro
I built this site with SvelteKit before it was stable, hoping it wouldn't change too much. How naive of me. Of course it did. Faced with the prospect of rebuilding it from scratch, I decided I'd rather try something new. Enter Astro
How I built a markdown driven static website with SvelteKit and Tailwind
In my last post I ported my existing blog to SvelteKit, to get to used to it. Now I am going to build a new version from scratch, using markdown and tailwind. I will use Matt Jennings's excellent SvelteKit blog template as seed.
I rebuilt my website with SvelteKit
Building a static website with Sveltekit and markdown is hard going at first. But just when I was about to give up I stumbled on some blog posts and boilerplates that helped me crack it. I may still switch to Astro later though
Setting CSS values dynamically in Svelte
If you are used to React's Styled Components, assigning CSS values dynamically in Svelte can be baffling at first.