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Fritz Stelluto

About me

Hello, I'm Fritz, an experienced engineer based in Berlin. Currently, I bring my expertise to the Data Science department at Wayfair, focusing on service development and ML Ops. Throughout my career, I have plied my trade as both a full-stack developer and a technical manager.

With over two decades in the tech industry, I often share concise posts on technical subjects. Before embarking on this tech journey, I honed my skills as a chef, although I don't explore that aspect much in my writing 😄. Prior to that, I pursued music during my college years.

Originally from Italy, I spent the majority of my adulthood in London, where I pursued my university education before eventually making Berlin my home.

If you want to talk to me about work I've got a LinkedIn profile and you can download my resume

About this site

This site was based on Chris Williams's awesome Cactus theme for Astro, Copyright © 2023 🚀

  • Astro :

    Build fast websites, faster.

  • @astro/image :

    An Astro integration for optimising images in Astro projects.

  • Tailwind CSS :

    Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

  • Markdown :

    Simple and easy-to-use markup language.

  • MDX :

    Markdown for the component era.

  • Satori :

    Generating png Open Graph images for blog posts